Developing Jumping Skills for Awesome Agility Teams Second Edition coming soon!
Here are some Basic instructions:Tap the symbol for IMovieA screen will appear that says Projects.Tap the plus sign in the black empty box.Tap Movie in the left box under New Project.Select the video you want to edit by tapping on it to activate the blue checkmark select symbolTap Create Movie (in blue at the bottom of the screen)Your video to be edited will appear in a new screen entitled My Movie.Slide the tape to the R to get to the beginning (till the white vertical line is at the start)Slide the tape to the L to the point where you want to start your first clip (ie. cutting out initial set-up footage.) You can go really slowly to get to the precise spot you want to start.Tap the tape. The border will go yellow and symbols will appear underneath. Tap split.Scroll the tape to the R till the while bar is over the piece you don't want.Tap delete (R bottom of screen)Continue with this process till you have the multiple clips you want to save to a new video.If you want to do slow motion:The slow-mo button is the second symbol next to the scissors. It is the clock that says speed underneath. You use it the same way as the other features. So, use split to create the clip you want. Make sure the vertical white bar is over the middle of it. Tap to activate the yellow. Tap the speed button (the clock)A yellow bar will appear underneath with a tortoise at one end and a rabbit/hare at the other.Move your finger L on it like you are scrolling. (The other way speeds it up).When you are finished with all your editing Hit Done (Top L)Your video will appear on in a new screen entitled "My Video". If you tap that you can change the name of it.There will be 3 symbols beneath. The box in the middle with the up arrow is for uploading.Tap that and then select where you want to upload to, ie. Computer; YouTube etc.